C.G. Jung argued that the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Each meeting, by definition, substantially upsets an equilibrium, forever changing the view of the key players on the state of things.
We have always believed in meetings, both in the professional and private spheres, we believe in the opportunities they generate and the fact that nothing happens by chance and thus, what was supposed to happen, happened last November.
Fabrizio, our creative director, tells how, a few months ago, after a morning of appointments in Venice and before heading back towards Bologna, he stopped at a small place to have coffee and, how among the other patrons, he immediately recognised the poet and actor Gianmarco Busetto, an old friend of his from their university days.
They exchanged the typical pleasantries after meeting again and began to catch up. Fabrizio explained our project. They discussed the Unica name at length, and the deep-seated reasons that move it and characterise it. Then the two simply said good-bye.
A few days later Fabrizio received an e-mail at his personal address, it just said:
Poetry is always a possibility of relationship.
This is for you.
Attached there was a poetic triptych that explored, verse after verse, the essence of uniqueness that permeates nature and life itself, the same essence that moves, day after day, that formal and spiritual quest instilled in all of our creations.
At the time we were preparing the publication of some of our works in the pages of the international magazine Le Grand Mag and we were searching for the right words to go with the pictures.
Once we read the poems, we had no doubts. We would not add descriptions, captions or presentations of any kind, we would let the verses talk, because those verses talk about us.