We often talk about the relationship that the Unica universe has instinctively established with nature and its elements. We have talked about how, the inspiration that the natural world gives our creative designers, is one of the greatest impetuses of our project and how, trying to bring the vibration of wildness
Unica meets Fashion
Inspiration is everywhere. In a flower, amongst the pots, sometimes in an unexpected smile or the hot wind of a summer afternoon. It often runs around the rim of an enamelled cup, vibrates in a bird’s song or rests in a broken shell; and anyway, it is always the possibility to
Unica meets Nature
Nature surrounds us, it is what we are made of and what we need. Nature is a combination of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. The sky, earth and water on the whole. Nature is us and the relationship that humans establish with her often recounts how we living beings get
Unica meets Art
Unica was created in art and, always, through the collaboration with artists and creative types, it shares methods and possibilities. Probably, aside from every generic definition and every plausible etymological root, millions of different visions of art exist, at least one for every person who practices it. From our point of view,
Unica meets poetry
C.G. Jung argued that the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Each meeting, by definition, substantially upsets an equilibrium, forever changing the view of the key players on the state of things. We have always believed in meetings,